Letter to God

I was thinking of what to write for my next blog entry and honesty I had a bit of a writers block. I then began thinking "Jeon you writing a blog and don't know what to say". But then I got a telephone call and at the end of it I thought back on all that happened in 2013 so far some good, some bad, some that makes me happy and sad.

We're closely drawing to the end of 2013, can you believe it, and we usually take the Christmas Season to reflect on our lives and the journey ahead. But today at this very moment I want to just say THANK YOU LORD!

I get sooo busy these days that I forget to give you the due respect you deserve. You require so much from me and I admit I fail you sometimes. You've always reminded me of the promise that you would never leave me nor forsake me but you would be with me to the end, and its not the end as yet :)

This has been one of the worse & best years of my life. I got to see one my dreams be accomplished when my family got to see me graduate from University,  but there was one person who wanted to be there but couldn't make it my dad.

We didn't have a close relationship when I was growing up, I even felt like he was cramping my style that's for another post. Coming home to be with him during his illness was a decision I would never regret.  But those 9 months home all I can say is "Thank  you Lord!" We went crayfish hunting, walks, I even scrub his feet till they were all smooth and shiny. He passed away not to long after. I miss you daddy! I'll take those memories with me forever.

You provided me with more than enough to live this life. You remind me to live in the now, don't wait until better comes, better is here. I encourage you to live out your purpose with a grateful and servant like heart. Don't just go about the day without acknowledging him, or get distracted from what he wants you to do. There is a job out there that only you can fill.

Thank you Lord for old and new friends in my life, family and those blessing you have in my future. To those persons who have been going through some rough days, it wont last forever. Each day its gets a little bit better. Expect great things in your future, don't limit yourself and what you can do. God has to be the centerpiece to your puzzle. Be encouraged today!


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