Goodbye Hair, Hello Diva!!!

After my big chop I saw myself in the mirror and it was like a switch got turned on, I immediately looked at myself and got a sense that I had to discover who JEON was because my hair was no longer a camouflage. I was going to face the world and its comments and I had to stand up for myself and the only way to do that was to know who I am and what I wanted. 
1 month Nappiversary

Over the next four (4) weeks my confidence level grew exponentially, my stature changed, my approach to school work, wardrobe, the way I wore clothes, I took a little bit more time getting ready for school :) I spoke up more during class, I wasn't as terrified making presentations, I got more involved in extra curricula activities and volunteered for leadership positions. My experience @ university changed and I was LOVING it!!! 

For those who were in class with me during primary and secondary school you could attest to the fact that I had the label of shy, stringy girl who never spoke who always never really fit it to the popular crowd even if she tried. I smile when I remember how I was and where I am today. 

My self esteem was low but i never strayed from my standards and the foundation that was laid as a result of my walk with the Lord. I just shed one part of Jeon and grew into the woman you see today. 

I still have some qualities of shyness that I have to overcome, but it no longer controls my life, what I want and can/cannot do. Its been 3 years and I must say chopping MY HAIR off was the best decision I made for me and I'm only reaping the benefits today.

I'm not saying if you want confidence chop your hair off, i'm just saying if you've been thinking about it for a while and you just cant make that next step. Let me be an encouragement to you and say go for it you have much to gain after you lose that hair. 

Feel free to comment on you experience after the big chop or any fears you might have. 


  1. Happy to hear of your hair journey Jeon. We both chopped it off around the same time. I loved it for a while but really couldn't keep up with being "natural". Congrats on a successful journey though. Natural hair suits you.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks for the support and honesty about your continued hair journey

  2. You rock the hell out of your hair!

  3. Congrats on the blog Jeon. I love ur hair n confidence.


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