Bullied As A Child

Today I want to shift the discussion from hair and talk about a very familiar topic BULLYING.

Yesterday while sharing with a close friend on a related topic about respect for women and signs of physical abuse, it was if a flood a memories that were buried away in my mind were discovered by the conversation.

YES I WAS BULLIED as a child. 

I was 10/11 years old in Grade 4/5, I lived a short distance from school, I remember dreading when the school bell ran at 3pm. I would run home as fast as I can to avoid my bully (a classmates older brother) who would block my pathway most evening. I remember one day I was running and he caught up with me and grab my arms and shook me. I can’t remember how I got away but I never forgot it.

One memory I can’t forget............... I remember it every time I see him.

I told my mom, a complaint was made to his parents and he never harassed me again. Some aren’t as fortunate as I was.

Some might say he like me that why he behaved that way, but anytime someone enter your personal space and you get that fearful, scary, belly drop feeling you know something is wrong.

You know when someone is making inappropriate gestures or touches you in a wrong way.   

The words are hurtful, create fear and crippling anxiety

As a result of this I had a fear of men for many years never realizing until yesterday this is where it stemmed from.

I owe my recovery to my younger sister who I would confide in, my relationship with God and talking about it!

I’m glad I can share this today with you….

Don’t let what someone did to you; cripple you from living the life God meant for you!


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